Understanding Climate Risks for Land and Property in New South Wales

Understand the NSW Law Society Guidance on Climate Risks with our free summary


The Law Society of NSW has released practitioner guidance, which explores the interaction between climate change legal risks and solicitors’ professional duties, marking a significant milestone for lawyers in NSW as they take steps towards assessing climate change risks.

This paper summarises the new Guidance, the types of climate risk, including physical and transitional and the most effective way to discharge your duties and to communicate potential risks to your client.

Download the summary guide for free now.


The ClimateIndex™ Report FAQs

We have produced a detailed and handy guide to The ClimateIndex™ Report by answering some of the typical questions about the analysis module.


Enabling Climate-Driven Decisions for Land and Property Professionals

Australia is in the front line of climate change. Our communities and businesses have witnessed such extremes of flooding and bushfires in recent years and now is the time to take action and think ahead about what the future could bring. Our mission is to ensure that our climate-challenged society makes positive, sustainable and responsible land and property decisions.

Find out more about us

Legal Opinion: Do Real Estate Lawyers in NSW Owe Their Clients a Duty of Care to Advise and Warn in Relation to Climate Risk?


Conveyancers and real estate lawyers play a central role in advising their client on any risks with their planned home or investment asset. Going forward, climate change represents perhaps the single greatest risk to both property values and peace of mind. 

We commissioned Norton Rose Fulbright, the pre-eminent environmental law practice in Australia, to consider the duty of care and other factors for NSW legal professionals. Their findings, which are being considered by the Australian Law Commission and NSW Law Society, are available exclusively through Groundsure.


Understanding the Climate Challenge

The climate is fundamentally changing our lives, communities and businesses. It has gone beyond being a fringe, scientific discussion to one that could become existential or overwhelm people’s livelihoods. We are already familiar with the catastrophic flooding and bushfires in recent years, but the scale of Australian real estate affected and the financial losses are huge.

Find out more

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Help is at hand. We will respond promptly to any queries about a report outcome or how to translate report findings to your client. We also offer training through webinars on how to report to clients effectively.

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