Understanding Bushfire Risk for New South Wales Property Transactions

A deeper understanding of bushfire to properties


The Black Summer bushfires of 2019-2020 in eastern and south-eastern Australia were unprecedented in terms of their geographic location, spatial extent, severity and the forest types burnt.

They were driven by extreme weather conditions including winter drought and high spring and summer temperatures, creating tinder-dry conditions.

Find out more in this free e-book.


About Groundsure: Enabling Climate-Driven Decisions for Legal Professionals

Australia is in the front line of climate change. Our communities and businesses have witnessed such extremes of flooding and bushfires in recent years and now is the time to take action and think ahead about what the future could bring.  Our mission is to ensure that our climate-challenged society makes positive, sustainable and responsible land and property decisions. This starts with ensuring legal professionals are able to advise their clients effectively as part of the transaction due diligence.

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Would you like to contact an expert?

Help is at hand from our conveyancing climate risk experts. We will respond promptly to any queries about a report outcome or how to translate report findings to your client. We also offer training through webinars on how to report to clients effectively.

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